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Dunwoody's Baseball Program since 1975

Dunwoody's Baseball Program since 1975

DSB Playing Rules

Unless specified below, all NFHS/GHSA rules apply.


The fields at Brook Run Park are synthetic turf (Shaw Sports Turf), which requires special care and use.

Shoes - Metal cleats are NOT allowed at the Brook Run Park Baseball Fields.

Seeds, nuts and gum - No sunflower seeds, shelled nuts or gum are allowed in the dugout, on the field or in the spectator area at the Brook Run Park Baseball Fields.

Food - No food or candy allowed in the dugouts or on the baseball fields at Brook Run Park.

Beverages - No beverages or liquids, other than water, are allowed in the dugouts or on the fields at Brook Run Park. Alcohol is not allowed at any of the fields where a DSB event is held.

Tobacco - The use of tobacco products on the field, in the dugout or in the spectator area is prohibited at the Brook Run Park Baseball Fields and at all the fields where a DSB event is held.

Dogs - In the spectator areas at the Brook Run Park Baseball Fields, dogs on a leash are welcome. Dogs are not allowed in the dugouts or on the fields.

Music/Announcing - No amplified sound devices are allowed at the Brook Run Park Baseball Fields without a permit from the City of Dunwoody.

Violators of any of the above rules are subject to ejection.


The Plate Umpire is the Umpire-In-Chief for the game and in full control of the game. This includes the authority to eject players, managers, coaches, and spectators from the game, the field, the stands or even the park/facility if necessary to ensure the orderly conduct of the game. Other responsibilities include:

  • Starting and finishing time for the game including expiration of time limits.
  • Acceptability of equipment used in games.
  • Number of warm-up pitches in excess of five (5) between innings for existing pitchers or eight (8) for new pitchers.
  • Whether a player is in uniform. Players must be in complete uniform, shirts tucked in. No jewelry.
  • Whether a game is to be called on account of darkness, inclement weather, or field conditions beginning 1 hour before start time.
  • All judgement calls.
  • The Umpire-in-Chief's decision in these matters is final and not subject to protest.


Regular Season Games - No inning starts after 2:00 hours. A new inning starts immediately after the previous inning has ended. Once started, innings are completed unless the winning team has been determined (ie. home team leading in the bottom half of an inning as time expires). If time has expired and the game is tied, the game ends in a tie. If time remains and the game is tied, the game continues until a winner is determined or time expires. In the event of a delayed start due to bad weather, the DSB Officer of the Day may shorten the scheduled duration of a game.

Playoff Games

  • Non-Championship Games
    If the time limit has expired and the game is tied, the game shall be played in extra innings until a winner is determined.
  • Championship Games
    The league director may designate any championship game a no time-limit game.

Run Limits - For Spring and Fall Leagues (not Middle School or Summer), there will be a 6 run limit per team for the first 4 innings OR for the first 90 minutes of game time, whichever occurs first. This rule will not apply in the playoffs.

Start Times - The first game of the day will be considered to have started at the scheduled time unless delayed by the Umpire-in-Chief. There will be a minimum of 15 minutes between games, regardless of when the prior game ends. Game clock shall start at the conclusion of the home plate meeting. The Umpire-in-Chief is responsible for maintaining the official game clock, and he/she shall identify the time tracking mechanism with the head coaches (umpire watch, stopwatch, or other) during the home plate meeting. The scoreboard clock is NOT intended to be the official game clock but may be used as an approximation.

Inclement Weather or Darkness Delays - In the event of a weather or darkness delay, the official time clock will continue to run. The game shall be counted as official if 4 or more innings have been played (3.5 if the home team is ahead), or if the total time played is at least one-hour and fifteen minutes (1:15), not including the weather delay. Every effort should be made to play the game.

If a game is official but the last/current inning cannot be completed, the score reverts to the score at end of the prior inning, unless the home team was batting. In this case, the score will be whichever score is most favorable to the home team.

Stalling - Deliberate stalling on the part of any team is unsportsmanlike and not a part of the game of baseball. The Umpire-in-Chief may allow an additional inning of play if, in the umpire's judgment, the other team was deprived of an opportunity to win the game because of stalling.

Mercy Rule - Play will end when either team goes ahead by 10 or more runs after 5 innings (4.5 if the home team is ahead) or by 15 or more runs after 3 innings (2.5 if the home team ahead).


Spring, Summer and Fall Leagues - DSB uses innings pitched for the Spring, Summer and Fall programs.

  1. A pitcher may pitch 3 innings in a game.
  2. One pitch in an inning is equal to one inning.
  3. Once relieved, a pitcher may not return to pitch again in the same game.
  4. A pitcher shall not pitch in more than one game in a day.
  5. Coaches are encouraged to follow the Pitch Smart Guidelines for pitch counts and days rest.

Note that some players also pitch on other teams (travel team or another league). You should be aware of any pitching for their other teams and always error on the side of caution.

Middle School League - The DSB Middle School League follows the MLB Pitch Smart Guidelines for Youth and Adolescent Pitchers (ages 13-14) with one modification:

Number of PitchesRequired Days Rest

Once relieved, a pitcher may not return to pitch again in the same game. A pitcher shall not throw more than 75 pitches in a single game (the pitcher may finish the batter if they cross 75 pitches during an at bat). A pitcher shall not pitch in more than one game in a day. A pitcher shall NOT pitch in a game on three consecutive days, regardless of pitch count. A day of rest is defined as a "calendar day."

If a pitcher crosses a pitch count threshold during an at bat, and is removed after facing that hitter, the pitch count shall be "rounded down." Example: Pitcher throws pitches 33, 34, 35 and 36 during an at bat, but is removed after the at bat is completed, the pitch count total for the pitcher would be 33.

Coaches or designated scorekeepers are responsible for keeping pitch counts during the game. Teams should regularly ensure that counts are correct with the other team. In the event of a discrepancy, the home team count is the count of record.

Coaches will maintain records of pitches thrown and have these available at all games. These should be shared prior to the game with the other team. Coaches are required to use the PitchingRecord.xlsx sheet that is provided by DSB. Coaches can fill it out manually or use Excel (recommended). Pitchers who are ineligible to pitch should be marked with an "X".

A list of players who are ineligible to pitch in that game due to required rest should be included on the lineup card.

Note that some players also pitch on other teams (travel team or another league). You should be aware of any pitching for their other teams and always error on the side of caution.


Spring and Fall Leagues

Upper League [see exceptions on the banned bats list below]

  • BBCOR certified bat (-3).
  • One-piece wood bats are permitted (-3 or higher).
  • No unmarked or other type of metal bats are allowed.
  • No bats listed on the DSB Banned Bats list.

Lower League [see exceptions on the banned bats list below]

  • USSSA Baseball stamped bat (-10 or higher).
  • USA Baseball stamped bat (-10 or higher). See the USA Baseball Approved Bat List.
  • BBCOR certified bat (-3).
  • One-piece wood bats are permitted (-10 or higher).
  • No unmarked or other type of metal bats are allowed.
  • No bats listed on the DSB Banned Bats list.

Summer League

  • One piece wood or wood composite bats are required.
  • No aluminum or metal bats are allowed.

Middle School League [see exceptions on the banned bats list below]

  • A Division: BBCOR certified bat (-3).
  • B and C1 Divisions: USSSA Baseball stamped bat (-5 or higher), USA Baseball stamped bat (-5 or higher), BBCOR certified bat (-3).
  • C2 and D Divisions: USSSA Baseball stamped bat (-10 or higher), USA Baseball stamped bat (-10 or higher), BBCOR certified bat (-3).
  • If a team plays another team in another Division, each team is permitted to follow the bat rules for their specific Division. Example: C2 team plays a C1 team. Since each team uses bats in accordance with the limits stated above, the C1 team uses -5 or higher bats and the C2 team uses -10 or higher bats.
  • One-piece wood bats are permitted for use in any division but must follow the same drop weight as the metal bats in each division.
  • No unmarked or other type of metal bats are allowed.
  • No bats listed on the DSB Banned Bats list.

Banned Bats

DSB follows Perfect Game's standards for ineligible bats. The following bats are banned in all DSB leagues.

2015 Demarini CF7 (-5)2017 Demarini CF Zen Zero Dark 2 3/4" (-10) *
2015 Easton XL1 (-5)2017 Demarini CF Zen Balanced (-5)
2016 Demarini CF8 (-5)2017 Demarini CF Insane Endloaded (-5)
2016 Demarini CF8 (-8)Louisville Slugger Blue Meta Composite (33/30 model only)
2016 Demarini CF8 (-10)2018 Dirty South Kamo BB KA 8 (30/22, 31/21, 32/22, 31/23, 32/24 only)
2017 Demarini CF Zen Balanced (-8) *(Easton) Ghost X (30/20 only - USA Baseball Marked)
2017 Demarini CF Zen SL 2 3/4" (-10) *2022 Stinger Missile 2 - (33/30 model only)
2023 Easton Hype Fire 2.75 inch USSSA (-5) **2024 Easton Hype Fire 2.75 inch USSSA (-5) **

* Re-tooled models (updated model numbers, new orange end cap and updated sticker with performance standards) are allowed.

** Perfect Game is currently investigating the Easton - Hype Fire Bat for its safety and integrity, even though it is currently still certified by its manufacturer.


Spring, Summer & Fall Leagues

Batting - If a team has 12 or fewer players at a game, everyone should be in the batting lineup. If a team has more than 12 players at a game, they must bat at least 12 in the lineup and may choose to bat more than 12 if desired. Coaches may agree to exceptions before each game but must communicate any changes to the Umpire-in-Chief. Outs are NOT taken if a team is playing with 8 players in the lineup. Late arriving players should be added to the bottom of the batting order for lineups with fewer than 12 players.

Fielding - Free substitution in and out of the field is allowed, except for pitchers. Once relieved, pitchers may not pitch again in the same game. Players not in the batting order may field.

Middle School League

Batting - A team with 10 or more players bats 10 (no more or less). None of the batters have to play the field. Outs are NOT taken if a team does not have 10. If a player goes out of a batting slot via offensive substitution, they have to go back in the same slot they were previously in. Teams are not required to get every player a plate appearance.

Fielding - Free substitution in and out of the field is allowed, except for pitchers. Once relieved, pitchers may not pitch again in the same game. None of the fielders have to bat.


Teams are required to have a signed waiver for every player on file with DSB before the player may participate in a practice or game. Players who have participated in at least 50% of a team's regular season games are eligible to play in the postseason. In the event of a dispute over a player's eligibility, the League Director will review relevant game data (e.g., lineup cards or GameChanger statistics) for evidence to resolve the dispute.


Forfeits are strongly discouraged. Coaches should make an extra effort to field a team for each game on their schedule.

If a coach believes (s)he will have fewer than eight (8) players for a game, coaches are to contact other DSB teams that are not playing to find players. This can be found by looking at the schedule for that day to see which teams aren't playing. Coaches that receive such contacts are to help find players for the coach trying to field a team.

Players considered "call-ups" are those who are playing at a higher league/level/division than their current team (examples: a Lower League player playing in an Upper League game, or a Middle School "D" Division player playing in a "B" Division game.) Call-up players can play any position and bat anywhere in the lineup without restrictions. For Lower League games, players from Murphey Candler and SSYS baseball programs are regarded as "call-ups."

Players considered "fill-ins" are those who are playing at the same league/level/division as their current team, and are allowed to play with the following restrictions: they must bat at the end of the order and they may NOT pitch or play catcher. If a coach has no other player able to play catcher, the coach should contact the League Director in advance of the game for an exception.

Summer League Only: During the regular season all supplementary players are considered "call-ups" and are permitted to play any position and bat anywhere in the lineup. However, for playoff games these players are considered "fill-ins" and must adhere to the playing restrictions stated above.


DSB follows NFHS Rule 3-3-1 on prohibited bench and field conduct, particularly taunting and other unsportsmanlike acts listed in subsection F.

No manager, coach, player or spectator shall engage in any conduct deemed inappropriate or detrimental to any player or coach at any practice or game. This would include profanity, physical or verbal intimidation, heckling the opposing pitcher during his/her delivery, derogatory comments, taunting, or any other conduct in the judgement of the Umpire-in-Chief or DSB Board of Directors deemed inappropriate.

The intentional throwing of any bat, helmet, or other equipment shall be grounds for immediate ejection from the game.

No manager, coach or player may use tobacco, alcohol, or any illegal or controlled substance at or near the fields or dugouts.

If any unsportsmanlike action(s) occur(s) during a game, the umpire may issue a warning and shall take such action as necessary to stop the inappropriate conduct including ejection of person(s) from the game, dugout, the stands, or the facility.

Manager/Coach Ejection - Any manager or coach ejected from a game may not remain in the dugout or the stands and must leave the facility. A one game suspension for the manager or coach will be served in the next game that the team plays. The manager/coach is not allowed to be at the facility while serving the suspension. DSB reserves the right to impose additional disciplinary measures on a case by case basis.

Player Ejection - A player ejected from a game may not remain in the dugout or the stands and must leave the facility. The umpire who ejected the player will submit an incident report to the DSB league director. The league director and the DSB sportsmanship committee will review and render a decision about any additional disciplinary measures, including suspension from additional games.


Game is forfeited if a team does not have eight (8) players at start or at any point during the game. If neither team has eight, then both forfeit. Managers/Head Coaches may NOT agree to cancel or reschedule a game.

When a team is playing with eight players, an out is NOT taken for the missing 9th/10th batting slot. As a courtesy, the opposing team may loan a player to play in the field, but it is not required.


Discussions - The Manager/Head Coach may, after timeout is called and with the permission of the Umpire-in-Chief, approach either umpire for the purpose of discussing a disputed call. The discussion must be mild and brief.

Protests - If a Manager/Head Coach believes an umpire has misinterpreted a playing rule (as opposed to judgment calls, equipment, field conditions, time expiration and the like), he or she has the right to protest the umpire's decision. He or she must announce his or her intention to protest before the next pitch is thrown.

Protest Resolution - Umpires shall halt play and try to resolve the protest with both Managers/Head Coaches. If agreement is reached, the protest shall be considered withdrawn, even if the ruling is later determined to be incorrect.

If the facts are agreed to but agreement cannot be reached, the Head of Umpires, League Director, Chief Operating Officer, President or Past President may be contacted for a ruling. If none are available, the coach may protest the game. The protest must be stated prior to the next pitch being thrown.

The League Director must be notified by email immediately at the end of the game. DSB will issue a ruling when the facts are presented by the coaches and the umpires.


Games and/or practices will be cancelled due to:

  • Inclement weather - rain, hail, lightning (with or without thunder), heavy winds or snow.
  • Temperatures below 40° Fahrenheit.
  • Any unsafe playing conditions.

DSB will make every effort to cancel games up to 1 hour before game time, when conditions require. Once within the 1-hour window, the decision to cancel is up to the Umpire-in-Chief.

Any cancellations will be posted on the DSB website. Coaches will be notified by email or text message.

Because the artificial turf fields drain well and dry quickly, earlier games scheduled on these fields might be cancelled while later games are played. Coaches and participants should check the DSB website for updates.


Brook Run Park Baseball Fields Outfield Netting - The netting beyond the outfield fence at Brook Run Park is NOT in play. If a fair ball crosses the fence on the fly, it is a home run (even if the ball bounces back onto the field from the netting). If a fair ball bounces over the fence, it is a ground rule double.

Official Score - The designated home team is the keeper of the official scorebook. The designated visitor is responsible for operating the scoreboard.

Base Running/Courtesy Runner - A manager/head coach may use a “courtesy runner” when the catcher or pitcher-of-record becomes a runner. The courtesy runner must be a player who is not in the batting order or, if all players are in the batting order, the player who made the last batted out. The courtesy runner is not tied to the position (P or C) and may run for both positions during the game, but may not serve as the courtesy runner for both the pitcher and catcher in the same inning.

Safety Rules - Oversliding, pop-up slides, coming in standing up and cleats up slides are not allowed if there is contact or alters the fielders play. Runners can slide directly into the base or away from the fielder. See NFHS Baseball Rules book for complete rules regarding safety.

Lineup Cards - Coaches will exchange lineup cards at least 10 minutes before the start of a game. Lineup card should contain last name and jersey number for the batting order and a list of substitutes. Players arriving late may be added. In the Middle School League, the lineup card should list players who are ineligible to pitch in that game due to required rest.

Uniforms - To participate in a game, each player on a team must be in complete uniform, including baseball pants and appropriate athletic shoes (no open toe shoes). Jerseys must have numbers. Shirts must be tucked in. Catchers must wear protective cup under baseball pants. At the discretion of the Umpire-in-Chief, a player may be removed from the game for violation of the uniform rule. Coaches in the Middle School League are encouraged to wear a baseball uniform similar to the players.

Warm-Up Catchers - Cup and one piece mask/helmet (covering entire head) required. This applies on the field and in the bullpen.

Warm-Up Pitchers - Teams warming up a pitcher down the foul lines (if the off-field bullpen is unavailable), must provide a player with a helmet or an adult to protect the warm-up pitcher and catcher from batted balls.

Head Coaches - The Head Coach of all teams must be at least 21 years of age.

Coach on Field - One defensive coach is permitted on the field, but must remain within 6 feet of the dugout entrance/door. Two offensive coaches (1st base and 3rd base) are permitted on the field.

Batting Cages - Teams may use batting cages prior to games. All batters must wear a helmet and only an adult (18-years old or older) is permitted to pitch. One batter and one pitcher permitted in a cage at a time. Please do not hit balls into the field fencing. For the safety of others, please do not swing a bat while outside of the cage. Please do not remove an L-Screen from any of the batting cages (there are other screens, with wheels, available for on-field use).

Field Cleanup - After a practice or game, please clean out the dugouts, collect and dispose of trash left in the dugout, spectator area and other areas around the fields. Please turn off the dugout lights, remove wheeled field screens from the field and close all fence gates around the fields.

Home/Guest Dugouts - At the Brook Run Park Baseball Fields, the home team uses the dugout that is closest to the concession stand building.

  • East Field: 1st base dugout is home and 3rd base dugout is Guest
  • West Field: 3rd base dugout is home and 1st base dugout is Guest

Foul Balls - On deck hitters should help get foul balls that hit the backstop. Teams should collect foul balls that leave the field of play on the side of the field where their dugout is and return to the umpire. Thank you for your help with this!

Contact us

Dunwoody Senior Baseball

PO Box 88923 
Dunwoody, Georgia 30356
Email: [email protected]

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